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The 2020 pandemic and previous years’ overtourism issues showed us both the benefits, the relevance, and the limits of the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries for society. We cannot foresee the future, but we can listen to challenges and start developing solutions.
So far we have received more than 900 responses in which these questions have been discussed::
In the name of the global tourism family, many thanks to every single one of you for the inspiring feedback. Your replies are summarized in the sections below.
Don't forget to share YOUR insights (for the first time or again, with new observations):
The 10 quotes below are updated every few minutes and elephant word-clouds are recalculated regularly based on your new survey entries. You have to refresh the page or revisit us every so often to see the changed content.
Undisturbed places in the forest where I can swim in the forest, so to speak. Where I can relax and recover from everyday life. (June, 2020)
Leisure time and learning from new places and people. (April, 2020)
Curenlty there are a lot of unknowns what will hapen to our industry so the biggest challenges are still ahead and the problem is that we do not exactly know what are this challenges. We can try to do some forecasts but it is not possible to know what/when will be allowed and how will countries respond - restrictions other limitations... (April, 2020)
I am worried that the complete stagnation of tourism will continue for a very long time (at least two years) and that tourism will never be at the same level as it used to be. (July, 2020)
The current inability to meet physically will place a future premium on face to face meetings, especially if these decline in frequency. We wil probably see a rise in digital meetings (particularly now everybody is on Zoom), and people will start to use physical meetings not just as a way to have face to face experiences, but also to escape the tyranny of omnipresent digital meetings. (May, 2020)
During this time, our company is continuing to do a little "catch-up" and behind the scenes work. This includes spicing up our website (and the property's websites) to attract guests for after quarantine and freshening up our restaurants' menus. Corporate employees are also brain-storming special deals and offers for after quarantine as well. (April, 2020)
- Protection
- Safety
- Information
- Positive news
- Communication (June, 2020) (April, 2020)
Not do much an exploitation as such, but discounting I see amongst hotels in Japan will not save the industry as it causes the Prisoner's Dilemma. Everyone could suffer as a result. (April, 2020)
Great to see initiative to re-think and evaluate tourism during the pandemic. Thank you. (April, 2020)